Page name: Don't take the c.u.r.e. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-23 07:31:59
Last author: Sideways
Owner: Sideways
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the c.u.r.e. Rules have been changed. Thus I have won a pyhrric victory against... Fuck I forgot what I was arguing about...

This sucked. Yeah I was about 80% right and 20% exactly what I was fighting against. Eh maybe it's closer to 60-40. Everyone who agreed with me didn't get involved, and everyone who disagreed did a fair job of gang-raping my P.R.

So yeah, I regret the hell out of this. This wasn't even what I was mad at really. My RL was kicking my ass and I took it out on a bunch of roleplay snobs. High risk low reward shit folks.

Anyway, I'm the one who's really gonna pay for this fight, so please, everyone enjoy the poles in your butts and the motes in your eye. I like to think the ones in mine got a little smaller after this learning experience.

So, until the scars fade from time and are forgotten, I'll enjoy my stigma and you all can enjoy your own stuff, whatever it is.

Btw The ET Opinion Directory still needs support. Everyone who watches this page, friend or foe, join and do something for the good of ET! I need administrators, rule editing help, formatting, and promotion help! You can help shape it any way you think would improve it!

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2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Yes, because you allowed people to gang up on you. Your whole premise is that your tiny beacon of common sense could shine through a tidal wave of dark, abject stupidity. That can't work. People will just turn into an uncivilized mob of slobbering, blood thirsty demonizers. that will still happen in my wiki, but it will be so compartmentalized it won't get so bad as to be uncontrollable.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: And yeah, Nionel, that is the A-1 reason I FUCKING HATE c.u.r.e. I disagreed, (with inflammatory language I admit,) and they threatened me with bans. Fucking cowards

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: I don't remember seeing anything about a ban.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Well, I don't RP, so I can't really agree or disagree with the rules of the page because of my complete lack of any and all experience when it comes to that sort of thing. I just try to see all sides of things, and keep Mort as bald as possible. :D

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: I remember getting a guard sicced on me who said "If you post/comment on someones wiki who does not want you to, you can get banned from Elftown." Flisky herself didn't tattletale, she asked someone else to. Anyway my last comment isn't literally what happened. it's virtually what happened. It's apparently not a discussion site. My opinions are unwanted.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: You weren't threatened with a ban :P You were just told that wiki-harrassment is a ban-able offense. (If you mean what you were told by the Guards, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by what I know.)

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Chimes, honey, you just said exactly what I said which is exactly what the guard said. What are you disagreeing about?

Oh, you don't think the guard was threatening me. No, the person who called the guard was threatening me. The guard must uphold the rules of elftown, which protect wiki ownership, and within that protect people who are close-minded and intolerant.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: Your comment didn't come up until I submitted mine, I was replying to the first one :P Sorries!

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Protect wiki ownership? <img:stuff/sutN.gif> *backs away slowly*

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: See...that is why we need a reply button in the comment boxes. it would be nice. Especially when someone comments and then 200 comments later you want to respond!

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Lulz. It's okay, I love all you guys. *thinks* my opinion wiki is also going to have posting limits, I think. Probably to prevemnt the site being flooded with too much bullshit by one person *CoughSammieHcoughcough* I would never ever criticize a person FOR their beliefs, *though I would criticize the HELL out of their beliefs by themselves* but I think it would be dangerous to allow wanton intellectual rampage.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: @Loth: I'm on both sides of the fence with that one, it would be useful... but too many buttons is not goood. :P

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: @[Chimes] It would only have to be a small box above the submit button or something.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: The guards don't protect wiki ownership. Like when [Sunrose] stole Bob's Diner from me for a year or so. Or when they took                from [Magus Ferox] without her permission and gave it to [Gosu] (a joint account owned by The Non Crew). Or that time they allowed [Mortified Penguin] to engineer a clever takeover of anthro lovers from [Adnama].

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: Okay I'm trying to meet you half way on this. You are upset because there was a report sent about you because you were asked not to comment on a wiki that you got upset over for having optional guidelines for roleplays that you see are one sided and "Nazi-like"? See I keep reading and reading this to figure out what exactly it is you are trying to convey. What exactly are you upset about?

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Meh, man I'm moving on to bigger and better things, man! My hatred has opened my eyeeeeessss...

Oh, I'm just saying in a big, overblown, obnoxiously thorough way that the GM rules page is blatant pro-GM proganada, it sucks, it's not useful information. It's offensive and I think anyone who believes in it, stands by it or even abides by it is discredited as a "good roleplayer"

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: Okay I get that. People are entitled to their opinions of course. Now can you argue that this whole situation isn't a little overblown. If a person does not want to use the guideline that's cool and it's not going to hurt anyones feelings. Also remember that there are GM restriction guidlines as well. Those are in case one of our endorsed games has a dictator at the helm and they are entitled to some power as well to make the game enjoyable.

Do you not feel this is all blown out of proportion? We can easily agree to disagree without further slander or ill will I'm sure. Also if you are that against the guidelines work with us on fine tune them. What do you say, let's put all of this behind us?

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: Slander, in this context means I present as irrefutable proof that anyone associated with cure is an elitist, tyrannical douchebag who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit or a person who accepts and allows/supports elitist, tyrannical douchebags who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit.

What I am actually doing is implying, and clearly stating my own completely relative and un-empirical opinion that anyone associated with cure is an elitist, tyrannical douchebag who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit or a person who accepts and allows/supports elitist, tyrannical douchebags who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit.

2011-05-21 [Chimes]: Random spam comment: At this time of night, my brain had real trouble actually reading those words. XD Derpy Chimes is derpy.

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: It's meant to be humorous. I'm making fun of my staunch opinion. I'm trying not to say the fellows at CURE are bad people (though it's hard and I've said many things to imply that anyway,) but I'm saying their ideas are bad.

I'm saying that just by enjoying themselves on c.u.r.e. they are, by association, tacitly accepting and condoning principles that I can barely imagine being any more offensive, present on c.u.r.e. rules

what I am saying about the members themselves is that they make my brain explode with disbelief that they not only promote/condone the existance of such blatant and offensive elitist-roleplayer propaganda, but will actively defend it against honest scrutiny, and defame me as any number of adjectives and nouns which are NOT pleasant or appreciative.

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: Anyway. I'm tired of being angry and mean for angry and mean's sake. This work of protest, which is just my own opinion, gave me an idea for a Wiki specifically designed to hold theses, arguments, reviews, rants, and any other form of personal expression known as

The ET Opinion Directory!!!!!

Everyone is welcome to comment on the wiki, which is under construction. I need some helpers, administrators, and wiki designers to make it the best wiki it can be! The only requirement for any of these positions on this wiki I will own
is the desire to help create a specific place for Elftown Members to argue, discuss, and debate any point. I believe this can help many wikis and forums to recover from being flooded with banter and fruitless argument. Let em do it here!!!

I would love to have some endorsement and administrative help from ET Council members for this wiki's development and running.

You are not required to agree with anything I think or say; you must only have the capacity to uphold the wiki's rules, which I penned and am absolutely willing to negotiate.

Anyone who wants to design the layout, make banners, help with HTML stuff I know nothing about, and help improve this wiki in any way, you are MOST WELCOME! :D

Right now it just has a first draft of rules which need to be polished with the help of an ET Council member or guard or secret service dude, or someone who has an official capacity on ET.

I am currently in the process of designing the OPINION CATEGORIZATION INDEX, bwahahaha, please comment with your ideas!!!

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